Start Here

If you are reading this page you might be feeling hesitant about starting counseling. We get it. This is a major step for you. đź’—

Embarking on a journey of healing and growth is no small feat. It’s okay to feel doubts, fears, or questions—you’re facing a change that reaches deep into the essence of who you are.

If You’re Hesitating, Please Read This Before You Go

Pause for a moment. Inhale slowly, exhale deeply. Consider what’s making you hesitant. Is it fear? Is it the unknown? Or perhaps the challenge of facing reality, and the disappointment of life not turning out as you hoped? Most importantly, remind yourself of the courage you carry within to move forward and heal.

A woman who looks happy smiling and looking to the left.

Here’s what you need to know: Every monumental journey starts with a single step. The first step you take despite uncertainty, is proof of your bravery. Now is your moment to harness your courage.

You are not alone. We’re dedicated to helping you heal. As professional counselors who are also survivors, we will help you navigate the path to healing, guiding you toward a peaceful and joyful life.

This is your pivotal first step toward healing. We understand you might feel overwhelmed, but remember, this action signifies your courage to heal. Every journey starts with a single step, and this is yours.

Take the First Step — Click GET HELP

Frequently Asked Questions

We are considered out of network. We do not take insurance. You can use the detailed receipts we provide for insurance reimbursement. Many insurance companies require a diagnosis.  The diagnosis is then placed into your permanent health record. Oftentimes insurance companies will dictate how many sessions you can have for treatment. We believe people are people and not a diagnosis. We work together for however long or short of a time you need to improve your life. This means confidentiality + choices in your treatment = room for healing without restrictions.

Our rates are set according to the counselors’ experience, specializations, level of training, and expertise. A haircut might last a few weeks or months, but the benefits of quality professional counseling last a lifetime. We accept all major credit cards, Flex Spending Accounts (FSA) cards, and Health Savings Accounts (HSA) cards.
Individual sessions are $165 (50 min.)
Couples Sessions are $200 (1 hour.)
*Extended sessions are available.

Scheduling an appointment with us is super simple. The easiest, fastest way to get your appointment is to book online. Click the GET HELP button and it will allow you to directly schedule your appointment. You can also call us at 361.355.5558.

The counselor will review the agreement forms you’ve completed, ensuring you have a thorough grasp of what to expect during counseling. Next, we will explain privacy/confidentiality and our approach to counseling. Additionally, you’ll have the chance to tell your story and concerns. Together we will discuss your goals for partnering with us.

The duration of counseling is tailored to both your needs and the counselor’s guidance. While some people might require numerous sessions, others might find just a few sessions sufficient. Our clients experience increased clarity within the first few weeks and continue to improve after that. We work together for however long or short of a time you need to improve your life.

We work with adults. We do not work with children or teens.

Reclaim your life, now GET HELP

We understand you may feel nervous, and afraid to take the next step to starting counseling. Complete the form below and we will reach out to you. We’ll reach out for a brief chat to understand your current experiences—don’t worry, you know the answers already.

If we both decide we’re a good fit, we’ll book your first session! Yay! If we’re not, we’ll share some referrals or ideas of where you can look next to make your search easier.

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