The Stages of Transformation While Healing from Trauma image to support text in blog post

What to Expect When Healing from Trauma

Your courage is not defined by the trauma you’ve endured, but by the bravery you summon every day to continue your healing journey. Healing isn’t a linear path—it’s a mosaic, crafted from moments of pain, power, and breakthroughs.

You are not alone. Every step you take, no matter how small, is a step in your transformation. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed, to have days where the weight of your life feels heavy. In these moments remind yourself of your incredible strength. You’ve survived 100% of your hardest days.

You’re here, breathing, growing, and learning. Your experiences, while painful, have not diminished your worth or your potential. They’ve made you more compassionate, more understanding, and given you a depth that is rare and valuable. As you heal, know that it’s okay to seek help, to lean on others, and to rest. You’re not just surviving; you’re transforming pain into power, chaos into harmony, and fear into hope. Keep going. Your story is NOT over yet; it’s just beginning to bloom into something beautiful. 🌱


The first stage of healing from trauma is pre-contemplation. During pre-contemplation, people may not be aware of the trauma they’ve experienced or the need for healing. Denial or minimization of the trauma’s impact is common.

Example: The person may not recognize they have experienced trauma or may be in denial about its impact. It’s essential to be patient with yourself or others in this stage, as it can take time to recognize the need for change.


Contemplation marks the stage where awareness of the trauma and its effects begins to emerge. This is where people start acknowledging they need healing and change in their lives. It’s natural for uncertainty to be present as they weigh the pros and cons of addressing their trauma.

Example: This is where the person begins to acknowledge they’ve experienced trauma and consider the possibility of seeking help and answers. It’s a critical stage for self-reflection.


Preparing to change. Readying to heal from trauma and take the next brave steps. People in this stage actively look for information and resources related to healing. This may involve researching counseling options, reading self-help books, watching videos, and joining support groups.

Example: Seeking and considering counseling, engaging in self-help resources to address their trauma. Preparing mentally and emotionally for the healing journey is essential during this stage.


Actively taking steps to heal from the trauma. The action stage is where the actual work of healing begins. People start implementing coping strategies and healing practices. This may involve counseling sessions, self-help activities, and working on processing the trauma. It’s a challenging but transformative phase where significant strides are made.


Maintenance is about sustaining the positive changes achieved during the action stage. This is where people continue counseling or self-help practices to prevent relapse.

Example: After making significant progress, people enter the maintenance stage. They continue to work on their trauma recovery, reinforcing positive behaviors, and preventing relapse.


Returning to old behaviors, situations, and unsupportive actions. This is a natural area for many people working to heal from trauma. It is not a required stage but happens more than people like to think about in the journey.

Example: Relapses can occur in trauma recovery. People may experience setbacks or triggers that bring back traumatic memories and symptoms.


The final stage, termination, signifies the trauma’s impact is significantly reduced, and healing is well-established. This is when the person no longer feels overwhelmed by their trauma. They have successfully integrated healing into their lives. It’s a testament to the courage and resilience that comes from their healing journey.

Healing from trauma is not a linear process, and individuals may move back and forth between these stages. It’s essential to seek professional counseling. Remaining connected to support systems during the journey is essential. Remember that healing takes time. Each stage brings you closer to a place of recovery, resilience, and self-discovery. Be patient with yourself, and never underestimate the power of your own healing journey.

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