How-to-Know-You-Should-Start-Counseling, Flourishing Hope Counseling, Kingsville, Texas

How to Find a Great Counselor

There are many points you need to consider in regards to finding a counselor who will help you in your journey to a more peaceful courageous life. Choosing the counselor you will see to face the issues that have been bothering you is super important. Finding a great counselor is more than a few clicks on a screen. This means you might have read several profiles, done several internet searches, and looked at many introductory videos to make this important decision. There are tons of counselors out there with Instagram accounts and Facebook pages, tons of specialties, websites, blogs, youtube channels, and more. It’s not about all the glitz, it’s more about the fit. 

This post will help you find a great counselor fit for you. Learn more about what a good counselor does for you. You can also use this post to help you rule out some counselors who are not a good fit for you. So let’s get into it. 

Look for experience 

A counselor who has experience in the specific areas you are struggling with is a helpful place to start. This type of counselor is more likely to have a stronger sense of familiarity with helping you due to previous experience. Your specific concerns will not look exactly like everyone else and that’s okay. This will allow the counselor to have a more clear understanding of some of the concerns and challenges you may face while in your counseling process. This also means the counselor is probably more aware of different techniques and strategies to help you successfully resolve the issue. 

Pro tip: The counselor may not have had the same lived or shared experience to be able to help you. It does help but isn’t always necessary. It doesn’t mean the counselor has to have had the same shared or lived experience. It is helpful for the counselor to have a strong sense of familiarity with helping people going through a similar situation.

Acceptance is a must 

A great counselor will accept you as you are and support you in your healing journey. Choose a counselor who you believe will be accepting of you. This might mean considering cultural backgrounds, ethnicity, spirituality, sexual orientation, disability, etc. The counselor does not have to be the same as you to help you. A key element to finding a great counselor fit is to find a counselor who will accept you. Some people want to see a counselor who they can directly identify, while other people are not as concerned.  Choose what feels like a great fit for you. Make sure you choose a counselor who you believe will accept you.  

Supportive and safe

A counselor who responds to your sharing without judgment is a very healthy indicator of a great counselor. Great counselors recognize there may be subjects you are more comfortable speaking about while other areas are more sensitive to address. A great counselor will respect your level of readiness, and support you as you continue to navigate the highs and lows of the counseling experience. They will honor your space and allow you the time you need to come to a place where you feel more ready to address different areas. This also means the counselor will encourage, engage and equip you to move forward in a supportive way. 

Communication, communication, and communication

Great counselors encourage interactive feedback. You know you have a great counselor when they call you on your stuff while also supporting you. If you challenge their feedback they are not offended. Counseling is a highly engaging and interactive experience. This means you should be able to share with the counselor if you disagree or the counselor is wrong in their understanding about something. They know they aren’t always right all the time and they’re okay with you sharing a different perspective. 


The counselor who provides a great balance of understanding of where you are in your healing journey with support and encouragement as well as knowing when to challenge you is a great counselor. It speaks directly to the balance of supporting and equipping you with the skills and insight you need to help you move forward healthily. It’s part of our job to help you explore different perspectives, gain insight, and help you think in new ways. Yes, it may feel a bit uncomfortable and at the same time, it’s necessary for growth. 

Increased level of comfort

Being able to feel comfortable with the counselor you are going to see is super important because it will allow you to be more open and vulnerable to address the true issues that are important to you. if you do not feel comfortable you’re less likely to open up and receive the full benefit of the counseling experience. 

Caring and compassionate 

Of course, you want a counselor who is caring and compassionate about helping people. That special caring and compassion piece is a must. It helps to find a counselor you can trust and you feel comfortable speaking to about whatever is bothering you. I have had clients share parts of their life stories that they have never shared with anyone else. Each person has been met with respect, support, and true compassion for helping them heal. 

Why you need to start now 

There you have it, some key points to look for in finding a great counselor for you. Now here’s your chance. My team and I all have these key elements and a million bajillion other skills to meet you where you are in your healing journey. Let us help you get started. This is the moment where you change your life. Look no further and schedule your appointment today. 

Receive clarity, confidence, and closure with our help

Let’s embark on a transformative journey together. Our process is designed to help you heal. We will guide you to safety, help you rebuild, and teach you how to invite joy into your life. We will rediscover your inner self and unlock your true power.

It’s time to start your healing journey NOW!