Read-This-Before-Starting-Counseling, blog post, Flourishing Hope Counseling, Kingsville, Texas

Read This Before Starting Counseling

I’m jumping right in on this post. If you are reading this it means you are probably strongly considering going to counseling but you might be a bit nervous. Deciding to start counseling is a powerful choice to make in your life. 

Here are a few things you need to know before you start counseling. These are the things everyone talks about, so reading this is super important. 

You might try a few counselors

It’s important to find a special counselor you will be able to open up to about your concerns. If you don’t trust or feel comfortable with the counselor you are less likely to get the full benefit from the counseling experience. 

When people call me for a counseling consultation I gladly answer their questions. I know how big of a step is it to make that call to a counseling office. Not only do I answer their questions I make sure to share the importance of finding a great counselor. This means they may need to visit several counselors or make several phone calls before finding a counselor match. 

Ask questions

It’s important to ask questions. Do this not just as the consultation but if you are unsure about a specific topic within the session. Clarity is key. If the counselor is sharing an example or technique and you’re lost but you don’t say anything the counselor will not know. 

People I work with know they can talk freely. If they are unclear about something we talk about it. If they are confused we work through it. When they disagree, they are free to let me know. If you don’t have the type of healthy professional relationship with your counselor where you can speak openly you should continue your search for a better counselor fit.  

No session will be exactly the same

Every session will be different. In some sessions, you will do a lot of talking. There will be times when come into some sessions talking about the insights you have learned since the last session. People share their setbacks as well as their progress in sessions. In some sessions, you will do a lot more learning and listening. This is not to be teachy preachy but more so to give you the skills you need when you end the session. 

People I work with are surprised about how much our sessions are like great conversations rather than watered down how do you feel questions. Counseling sessions with me are far from drab or faded grays and neutral blues. We have real discussions about what matters to you. You leave with insight, skills, and tons of support. 

You get out of counseling what you put into counseling

When you show up to counseling sessions ready to do the work you receive many benefits. I meet people where they are in their healing journey. I’m kind and compassionate as I help people in their healing journey. I also challenge people to go beyond where they are and to break free from everything holding them back. Staying stuck is not an option. 

If your counselor is always agreeing and not challenging you to go beyond where you are there might be an issue. It’s not always going to be smooth sailing. Some sessions will be harder than others. Not only will every session be different but each session will also challenge you in different ways. To get the most out of your counseling experience you must be willing to do the work in and outside of your counseling session. 

You must be committed. Yes, a counselor fit is important and still, it’s not just the counselor. It’s about you committing to do the work outside of the sessions. Apply, apply, and apply what you have learned to your life. 

I typically meet with people for 50 minutes to an hour and a half. There’s so much that happens in the session. The whole other part of the story is all the work my amazing clients do outside the counseling session. We meet and at the next session they report back and we (you) make adjustments to continue to navigate your life. When you invest in the counseling experience it will be a bazillion times worth it!

There you have it, here are the next steps to get started. 

  • Commit yourself.
  • Find a counselor
  • Get started.                                                                                                
  • Do the work. 

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Let’s embark on a transformative journey together. Our process is designed to help you heal. We will guide you to safety, help you rebuild, and teach you how to invite joy into your life. We will rediscover your inner self and unlock your true power.

It’s time to start your healing journey NOW!