HOW-TO-GET-THE-MOST-OUT-OF-THERAPy, blog post, Flourishing Hope Counseling, Kingsville, Texas

How to Get the Most Out of Counseling

A lot of times when I talk with people they will tell me about how they thought counseling was going to be a lot like what they see on T.V. only to find out it’s so much more. Learning how to process emotions, work through trauma, explore options and learn skills to improve your life is hard work. 

This post will help you to get more than your money’s worth and receive the most value from your counseling experience. A lot of times people go into counseling not really sure of what to expect. You will learn what to do to help you not only show up in the session but to have an experience worthy of the efforts you and your counselor put into the process. As I tell my clients when we first start sessions this is the beginning of a whole new life for you.

Come prepared to work

Again, I will say counseling is hard work. It takes courage to show up in a session and talk about the things bothering you, facing challenges, and being vulnerable. At times it’s an emotionally intensive process. At other times it’s a mental mindset struggle to get to the next level. In addition to what happens inside the sessions, you might receive homework. 

Keep an open mind 

When you go to counseling with an open mind it helps you to get the most out of the counseling experience. This part is easy for some people, while others are more guarded and afraid of what the process will be like for them. 

In keeping an open mind you are allowing many different possibilities to happen. My clients experience many different perspectives. They gain new skills they hadn’t considered before. New information is shared and helpful insight is exchanged. All of this is designed to help people get the most out of their counseling experience. 

Pro tip: It’s great to have an idea about what you will talk about in the counseling session. It helps to be open to what the counselor will present to you.

If you go into counseling with a closed mindset you will not be able to receive all the benefits that come from the counseling experience. It’s like going to the movies and keeping your eyes closed the whole time. It makes it hard to understand it all because you weren’t fully invested in the whole experience.

Counseling requires you to be open-minded to new ideas, perspectives, and ways of working through life’s difficulties. 

Be honest and communicate with your counselor 

In any relationship, honesty is key to a healthy foundation. If you are not being honest with your counselor about what you are experiencing the counselor will not be able to provide the most helpful insight skills and techniques to help you to overcome the difficulties you are facing.  It’s like trying to make a cake and only having half of the ingredients. 

Talking with your counselor about what you are going through is essential for getting the most out of your counseling experience.  This means not being afraid to go into detail about what has been going on with you. You must be willing to talk, not the surface level but the deep stuff, your thoughts, your feelings about your life. This will help you to receive helpful guidance and support. 

Many times at the end of sessions I thank my clients for being so open and trusting me to share their experiences with me, as we work together. This level of vulnerability is sacred and important to get the most out of the counseling experience. I recognize the immense amount of courage it takes to be so vulnerable in different areas of their life.

It also means communicating with your counselor if you agree or disagree about the different perspectives you all are discussing. 

I encourage my clients to know they don’t have to use any fancy language. I want them to be themselves as we work through the different things that have brought them into counseling. There’s nothing too big or too small for us to talk about whether it was something from their past or something more present that’s happening in their life. 

I like to start sessions with mini check-ins. Sometimes I start with having clients list their wins for the week, at the beginning of sessions. Other ways I help clients get the most out of counseling is by starting and ending sessions with mindfulness moments. 

Do not expect everything to work right away

This isn’t what people want to hear but it is the truth. It takes time for things to get better. It’s going to require patience.   

A lot of times people want things to improve right away.  Each person has a different level at which they will make progress based on many different factors.  I find when clients come to counseling truly committed to doing the work they get the most out of sessions. This means doing the work in and outside of the session. 

Be consistent

Don’t be a counseling dropout. If you show up half of the time you will receive half of the results. To get the most out of counseling you must be consistent. Sporadic attendance to counseling sessions and minimum participation does not help people to get the most out of their counseling session. 

Maintain progress 

Maintenance is key. When you are doing well the next supportive step to get the most out of counseling is to keep doing great things. Take all the skills you have learned. Remember all the revelations you have had in session and continue to apply them to your life in a supportive way. 

When my clients are doing well we make sure to take time to pause and acknowledge the growth they have experienced.  We also work to explore what will help them to maintain the progress they have made in counseling. 

Now you have the details on how to get the most out of your counseling session. Use it to help you gain the most from your counseling experience. Make it worth all you invest into your counseling session. This is the beginning of a whole new life for you. 

Receive clarity, confidence, and closure with our help

Let’s embark on a transformative journey together. Our process is designed to help you heal. We will guide you to safety, help you rebuild, and teach you how to invite joy into your life. We will rediscover your inner self and unlock your true power.

It’s time to start your healing journey NOW!